Sunday, 4 December 2011

Foam, Cross Stitch, Christmas and Family Day Care

HAD an amazing night out the other day, went to a foam party on Friday night with friends we had soooo much fun!!! Granted most of us were still tipsy when we left! Was an epic night out with friends who I don't see very often anymore!
Anyways I've been doing some cross stitch lately as I've been fairly bored since the friends I used to hang out with during the day have gotten full time or casual jobs... The full time ones are hard since they're the ones working Mon-Fri and the casual jobs are even harder since they don't know when they're working and when they're not until the week has started!!! I really miss my friends especially when we used to hang out like almost every single day! But Friday was the first night in a while that it was like old times! I really miss my two best friends but what can I do? I have my beautiful daughter to look after and they have unpredictable or highly predictable jobs! So I've made these cross stitch Christmas penguins since my friends have gotten jobs during the day and they are absolutely gorgeous! I prob won't turn them into decorations ever again since that part killed me! I'll post a few pics on here too! I made them for my daughter's playgroup coordinators, I had the stuff lying around and was bored so decided to make decorations... Not the easiest idea I've ever had! And I probably won't do it again!
So with the above said about the Christmas decorations I'm thinking about Christmas it's supposed to be a relaxing and joyous time right? NOPE It's stressful trying to find presents for everyone budgeting and hoping everyone likes their present you got them! Not only that but I'm stressing more so since I'm thinking about having Christmas Eve Dinner at our place this year since my fiance's mum is overseas but I'm torn do I just have a dinner with his dad and us; his dad, sister, nieces, nephews and us OR should/could I invite friends over? I'm so torn in regards to all of this it's driving me mad! I'd love to have friends over but it's so hard to get them to come since they all have families too and they need to celebrate with them first! I don't know... I'm stuck with this going through my head and well I'll have to work it out soon! Christmas is just 21 days away!

Now to a more pressing issue, my daughter was enrolled with Family Day Care a little while back as I didn't have anyone to look after her on Mondays while I work. Instead of telling me last Monday or calling me on Tuesday they call me last minute and tell me that the lady I had looking after my daughter isn't going to be able to look after her next week?! So they will have to relocate her! I'm a little appalled by the fact that they can just up and do that to someone and not give sufficient notice Heck I'm busy during the week I can't go to another lady's house and work out if I'm happy for my daughter to stay there when I have soooo much I need to do!! It's just driving me insane and I am so absolutely over it! I'll have to call her first thing Monday morning cause clearly I can't call on a Sunday! And I'll have to hope for the best! If I'm not happy with her I'd have to call the Family Day Care people and say no thank you and I'll have to take her to work with me! Oh the troubles I've found!

Anyway I'm off to entertain my little girl as Daddy is playing video games.. Ciao


Wednesday, 30 November 2011

On the First day of Christmas

Can't believe Christmas is 25 days away. I remember the days when I used to get excited around this time and well... now??? Not so much LoL I'm looking forward to My princess opening her presents but even so not so keen on it for myself... Might be that the tree isn't up yet... That and I have no clue what I want for christmas...

My fiance let me buy a cake mixer today and well it seems that, that may have been my Christmas present... Made brownies with it tonight they look and smell delicious those who will be eating them tomorrow better appreciate them! LOL Especially after the craziness to get them cooked!!!

Anyways might take my little girl to the QVB building in Sydney tomorrow... get her Santa photo in the Crystal Garden!
It looks absolutely gorgeous!!! doesn't it?

Anyways I should get to sleep LoL

Night!! <3


Friday, 25 November 2011

Of Friends and Acquaintances

I've been a little torn for a little while now... About some pressing issues at hand... I haven't wanted to write about it as all I'd get is questions from people wanting answers about who my thoughts are directed to. It drives me insane all I want to do is express myself without hurting anyone and really if I was talking about a specific person and they were to ask me if it was about them I'd clearly tell them yes or no.

Lately I've had another outlet for these thoughts as no one is able to access them and I've liked that for some time until recently when I've felt that maybe someone should be reading the thoughts. They're not suicidal or depressing sad thoughts just how I'm feeling at that point of time in regards to conversations I have and have not had... In regards to answering a txt or not answering a txt or picking up the phone or not or saying yea I'll be there and then not... Some people may know what I'm talking about and if you do please don't ask me if this is about such and such or if it's about this or that. I just need somewhere to write what I'm thinking without comments, criticism or questioning.

So I have only a handful of people who are currently my best friends and well I've never had best friends really as they don't always seem to stick it out with me or I've picked the wrong people in the past or we've moved on... I have SO MANY close friends and they all know who they are without having to ask me and all I'd really like is someone I can count on just like all my close friends have someone they can count on. If their best friends don't answer a txt or call they've always contacted back in some other way, shape or form and that's all I ask for in a friend. To call back when I need them to or send me a txt explaining why (which I've had on a few occasions but it just feels that they may have never existed at times) I miss my best friends so much; past and present. Though I love my present best friends as though they were in my lives for a lot longer than they have been I'd just wish we could go out as much as we used to rather than canceling on each other at like almost the last minute... Sure we have jobs and some of us children but there are times when we are free at the same time and it would just be nice to hang out even with the kids. Maybe after Christmas it will be different but I really don't know.

I'm really just missing friends in general hopefully this changes now that Christmas has come around Holidays and time to go out and such! Hopefully tomorrow night will be good, I've learnt not to get too excited about things but just to hope they end up according to plan or they end up being fun either way. Still it's a little disconcerting to not be able to look forward to things as much as I used to... I think I've had way too many people canceling on me or changing plans too often. That or I've just grown up and realised that things don't always go according to plan unless you have a contingency. Maybe I should put event management into practice more often into my every day life?

Anyways here's hoping I don't get too many questions in regards to this post! I'm going to go lie down for a little while my little princess sleeps too =)

Ciao for now!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Just had to...

I just HAD TO share this! It is so beautiful! Made me cry with joy... If only =)



Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Of Hot Glue Guns and Clips

So yesterday I received the little slip that AUSTPOST leave at your door should you not be home... (I really need to start writing on all of my package deliveries to leave at door if house is unattended or in letterbox LOL) I went today to pick it up after training... Got home and lo and behold it's my clip making kit from Millamaloo they're on facebook and I love all these cute clips that everyone is making and thought I want in on the fun! Not only that but I am now thinking about selling my creations should I be half decent at it!!! I might even get some of the girls from training in on it! I shall have to speak to them soon...

Anyways I get home and Caliah has woken up from her sleep and won't go back to sleep so I had to entertain her while I looked at my supplies that I received... Noticing that the first lot of clips are REALLY easy I thought I'd grab my glue gun and get onto trying to do one for Caliah before her daddy got home!

This was when all hell broke loose... Not only could I not find my hot glue gun but the one who had it last couldn't remember where they put it!!!! GAH!!!! So no clips just yet.... Caliah and I ate our lunch and just as I'm about to get ready to search for the so called hot glue gun Caliah lets me know that she is ready for bed... So she's in bed now giving me at least 30 mins of peace to search for the highly needed hot glue gun!

Anyways I'm off to search for the gun... GLUE GUN PEOPLE not gun; gun LOL! I don't own one of those!!!

Ciao for now!


Thursday, 3 November 2011


So I'm not feeling the greatest this morning, I'm lying in bed listening to the sounds of the world outside of my window.. Caliah is sleeping for now and I don't know what I'd do to be able to talk to specifically two of my friends they're not answering their phones and after I hang up from leaving them a message I think gee they better have a good excuse!

Today is going to be a crazy yet somewhat boring day.. I know it doesn't really make sense.

So this is going to be a short one I think.. So I'm off!


Sunday, 23 October 2011

Curiosity Killed the Cat...

I've been so bored lately... SO Bored that I have found a new word for bored - Ennui (Ahn-wee) it basically is an interesting word for bored!

Anyway I'm at home on this beautiful Sunday with just my little girl, daddy is working today which is great since he'd get double time for as long as he's working today... but the downfall is that I have another day without him this week.. I have no car so I can't go out either as he has it, I'm hoping he comes home soon since I'm missing him a lot =)

In other thoughts, I've been dying to go out but no one wants to go out and no matter what, everyone I ask to come out with me say no they don't want to, they have no money, they don't feel like it, they feel lazy this week, they can't be bothered, they don't really like going out... It's been driving me insane I just want to go out and have fun =)

On the other hand I've been going on date nights with my hunnie instead and it's been so wonderful just the two of us =) It's nice to be able to go out together we always go to the movies though so I think next time we'll work out something different lol...

Anyways I'm doing the washing and I've got to work out what I'm going to do for the rest of the day... maybe some scrapbooking? Or maybe read? Or maybe write? I'll work it out!


Friday, 7 October 2011

The Waiting Game....

I'm sitting here at home... feeling fairly bored with a squealing daughter at my feet.... There's nothing wrong with her she just wants my attention =) And once I give her my attention she won't want it anymore which is the strange part... It's kinda cute and annoying at the same time!

I have been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to sit down and put my thoughts into words let alone onto this blog! I really need to have a scheduled blog break that I should stick to but it's hard to when you have a one year old daughter, things to get done, groceries to get, a mouth to feed, and friends who want to go out but don't answer the phone... At this rate we won't make it to where we need to go in time.

Excuse me for a moment while I tell my daughter not to touch the blue shiny button that turns the computer off!

GAH! She knows she shouldn't touch it but I think the blue light compels her to touch it! Now I've got a tantrum throwing one year old!

Anyway I was watching 7th Heaven this morning... (YES I watch that show I'm hooked can't help it! If I could I'd record it but foxtel isn't included in our budget) Anyway Ruthie the youngest girl had a diary and was trying to write in it... Which then led me to find MY Diary and start to write in it again! BUT I got to page three and my darling daughter did a poo in her nappy.... Then I had to put her to bed, shower, get myself and my daughter dressed cause she woke up an hour too early and make our lunch... No one told me it'd be impossible to do the little pleasures I used to do like writing in my diary!

She's throwing a bit of a tantrum now on the floor next to me and from experience I know not to pay attention to the tantrum thus the reason as to why I'm still writing! I'm thinking of txting or calling my friend again. He's either still sleeping WHICH is not impossible for him or he's *ahem* Busy.... I'm hoping it's the latter reason of sleeping but I doubt it...

So here I am now thinking hmmm what else did I want to write about while missy throws her tantrum on the floor next to me... I'm not sure I think that's it hey....

OHHHH no no no, I had my engagement party last month which was amazingly wonderful =) I'll add the pictures I like hang on let me find them....

The theme as you may be able to tell was Secret Garden Pink and Green... The same Secret Garden theme will follow through at the wedding but probably different colours!

So my baby girl fell asleep on me just took her to bed and had a hard time leaving as usual if I leave too early she screams!

The other things that happened last month is mainly My baby girl turning ONE! Two friends' birthdays a Tupperware Party yes I hosted one and I got Tupperware =D

Now since my friends have bailed on me I don't know what I'm going to do... I really DON'T want to stay at home all day! I really hate sitting at home looking at the house work that needs to be done that I really don't feel like doing on a weekday... All I need is a prince charming to whisk us away out somewhere I don't care where I'd just like to be out on this amazingly beautifully warm day!

I should probably get going... writing and Facebook only entertain me for a limited amount of time... What I would do to get out of the house! Walking around the street isn't entertaining enough =(

Wishing to be whisked away from the house for a few hours...


Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Confessions of a Confused Harry Potter Fan...

I'm currently collecting the ULTIMATE Harry Potter Collection from the Sunday Telgraph and the The Daily Telegraph and I am REALLY confused... So if you look on their webpage ( you can see that it says the different packs and when you get everything... So why would I be confused? It sounds so simple and easy, but yesterday I went to the newsagent and they said that the next pack was pack nine when it should be pack seven right? As per the webpage it says it's pack seven but it doesn't go by 'days' like what the actual packs say!

So here I am absolutely confused and hoping that I'm not missing out on two packs if they are giving me day nine and day ten today... Hopefully I'm not and if I am not they should really relate the 'pack' names on the actual packs rather than the 'days' or change the webpage to reflect 'days' rather than packs.

Okay so now that's off my chest I should get on with my ramblings, I am such a busy girl you know! everyone wants me and I love helping!! It's crazy but I love it! I'm currently involved with Talking realities ( that's their blog, and I'm with the LOUD TRIBE Project too which reminds me I should call that lady...

Okay called... back to rambling...

Anyways I also work part time, do Nutrimetics as a Business, I'm starting my own event management business, and volunteer my time for many different reasons! My fiance thinks I'm insane!! I love being busy though! O I was thinking about my week today and boy am I one busy person. I have work on Monday and Wednesday, I have to print out engagement invites this afternoon after my darling daughter goes to sleep. I then have a volunteer thing on tomorrow Wednesday and I also have a friends' HSC drama showcase! Then Thursday there are meetings with/for LOUD TRIBE and then Friday where I'm needed for something... (note to mum, what did you need me for again?)

So that's part of my week so far...

OH OH before I do go I am ecstatic to announce that I put maybe $4 in a skill tester yesterday and left with 5 toys!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!! LoL I love those things.. AND I had an interesting drive thru experience at Hungry Jacks yesterday when I said to the girl to "Surprise me" And she did!!!!

Anyways I should head off change my daughter's smelly bottom and put her to bed in the next 30 or so mins! She's currently attacking the things that are just out of reach in an attempt to grab them to get my attention So I should really head off!

In the mean time enjoy this pic... The guy in the elevator looks like Dumbledore!!!! LOL


Saturday, 30 July 2011

Princess Talk.. LoL

So it was my birthday the other day and I was quite excited since it'd be the first birthday I have with my daughter and fiance as a family. I had a week full of surprises which was nice.

I was asked to arrive at my Mum's house by 7pm on the day and was told we were going out for dinner when in fact we went to Restaurant Le Tash which basically meant that my sister had cooked and we were staying in... I was ecstatic as we were all a little sick and it was FREEZING cold that night and I was feeling quite tired after a long day at work. The home made Lasagne was absolutely delicious and the cake was AMAZING TOO!!! Triple layered chocolate Mousse cake. It had a layer of ganache on the bottom Spiced Vanilla Bean in the center and a yummy Chocolate Mousse as the highest layer with chocolate lattice scattered on top! It was really delicious! As you can see...

I should mention too my sister is not only a great cook but a pro photographer!!

 I got some beautiful presents too! Which apparently is rare when you become a mum!

My Fiance took me out last night for my birthday too which was a surprise by the way, he kept giving me clues like it's in the city and it's something that we both can do and what not. There are so many different things you can do in the city so I was stumped.. He told me it would cost over $100 so naturally you let your mind go wild, I thought that maybe it was the Harbour Bridge Climb or something adrenalin filled until I was told that it started at 9.30pm and that there wouldn't be much walking involved... I was so confused and had no clue we arrived in Chatswood with me still completely confused when he gave me an A4 printed sheet of paper. We were going to the movies not only the movies but the La Premiere of Captain America (Which is something I really wanted to see!)

La Premiere was amazing I felt like a princess! When the cinema was ready we were escorted up a few flights of stairs (Where they play the movie from) and over towards our cinema with gourmet food provided and free popcorn and drinks! We walked over to our seats when I realised we were so much higher than the normal cinema goers with a loveseat for us to sit in and SOOO Much leg room! I felt like a princess on her throne watching a movie with the commoners so far away from me. As if I was on my own pedestal! It was such an experience! And I loved every minute!

I can't wait to do it again!!!

Anyway I should head off my daughter is at the computer with me now and she's climbing all over me for attention! So until next time!
