Sunday, 23 October 2011

Curiosity Killed the Cat...

I've been so bored lately... SO Bored that I have found a new word for bored - Ennui (Ahn-wee) it basically is an interesting word for bored!

Anyway I'm at home on this beautiful Sunday with just my little girl, daddy is working today which is great since he'd get double time for as long as he's working today... but the downfall is that I have another day without him this week.. I have no car so I can't go out either as he has it, I'm hoping he comes home soon since I'm missing him a lot =)

In other thoughts, I've been dying to go out but no one wants to go out and no matter what, everyone I ask to come out with me say no they don't want to, they have no money, they don't feel like it, they feel lazy this week, they can't be bothered, they don't really like going out... It's been driving me insane I just want to go out and have fun =)

On the other hand I've been going on date nights with my hunnie instead and it's been so wonderful just the two of us =) It's nice to be able to go out together we always go to the movies though so I think next time we'll work out something different lol...

Anyways I'm doing the washing and I've got to work out what I'm going to do for the rest of the day... maybe some scrapbooking? Or maybe read? Or maybe write? I'll work it out!


Friday, 7 October 2011

The Waiting Game....

I'm sitting here at home... feeling fairly bored with a squealing daughter at my feet.... There's nothing wrong with her she just wants my attention =) And once I give her my attention she won't want it anymore which is the strange part... It's kinda cute and annoying at the same time!

I have been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to sit down and put my thoughts into words let alone onto this blog! I really need to have a scheduled blog break that I should stick to but it's hard to when you have a one year old daughter, things to get done, groceries to get, a mouth to feed, and friends who want to go out but don't answer the phone... At this rate we won't make it to where we need to go in time.

Excuse me for a moment while I tell my daughter not to touch the blue shiny button that turns the computer off!

GAH! She knows she shouldn't touch it but I think the blue light compels her to touch it! Now I've got a tantrum throwing one year old!

Anyway I was watching 7th Heaven this morning... (YES I watch that show I'm hooked can't help it! If I could I'd record it but foxtel isn't included in our budget) Anyway Ruthie the youngest girl had a diary and was trying to write in it... Which then led me to find MY Diary and start to write in it again! BUT I got to page three and my darling daughter did a poo in her nappy.... Then I had to put her to bed, shower, get myself and my daughter dressed cause she woke up an hour too early and make our lunch... No one told me it'd be impossible to do the little pleasures I used to do like writing in my diary!

She's throwing a bit of a tantrum now on the floor next to me and from experience I know not to pay attention to the tantrum thus the reason as to why I'm still writing! I'm thinking of txting or calling my friend again. He's either still sleeping WHICH is not impossible for him or he's *ahem* Busy.... I'm hoping it's the latter reason of sleeping but I doubt it...

So here I am now thinking hmmm what else did I want to write about while missy throws her tantrum on the floor next to me... I'm not sure I think that's it hey....

OHHHH no no no, I had my engagement party last month which was amazingly wonderful =) I'll add the pictures I like hang on let me find them....

The theme as you may be able to tell was Secret Garden Pink and Green... The same Secret Garden theme will follow through at the wedding but probably different colours!

So my baby girl fell asleep on me just took her to bed and had a hard time leaving as usual if I leave too early she screams!

The other things that happened last month is mainly My baby girl turning ONE! Two friends' birthdays a Tupperware Party yes I hosted one and I got Tupperware =D

Now since my friends have bailed on me I don't know what I'm going to do... I really DON'T want to stay at home all day! I really hate sitting at home looking at the house work that needs to be done that I really don't feel like doing on a weekday... All I need is a prince charming to whisk us away out somewhere I don't care where I'd just like to be out on this amazingly beautifully warm day!

I should probably get going... writing and Facebook only entertain me for a limited amount of time... What I would do to get out of the house! Walking around the street isn't entertaining enough =(

Wishing to be whisked away from the house for a few hours...
