Sunday 23 October 2011

Curiosity Killed the Cat...

I've been so bored lately... SO Bored that I have found a new word for bored - Ennui (Ahn-wee) it basically is an interesting word for bored!

Anyway I'm at home on this beautiful Sunday with just my little girl, daddy is working today which is great since he'd get double time for as long as he's working today... but the downfall is that I have another day without him this week.. I have no car so I can't go out either as he has it, I'm hoping he comes home soon since I'm missing him a lot =)

In other thoughts, I've been dying to go out but no one wants to go out and no matter what, everyone I ask to come out with me say no they don't want to, they have no money, they don't feel like it, they feel lazy this week, they can't be bothered, they don't really like going out... It's been driving me insane I just want to go out and have fun =)

On the other hand I've been going on date nights with my hunnie instead and it's been so wonderful just the two of us =) It's nice to be able to go out together we always go to the movies though so I think next time we'll work out something different lol...

Anyways I'm doing the washing and I've got to work out what I'm going to do for the rest of the day... maybe some scrapbooking? Or maybe read? Or maybe write? I'll work it out!


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