Friday 12 October 2012

Been Reminicsing

I've been reminiscing about last year lately... When all of my friends were around and we were never out of contact. Heck all of us were on Facebook.

I'm really missing my friends lately.. Yea I have the love of my life and my beautiful little girl but I miss having my friends around too! We used to hang out almost every single day! We'd go shopping, go to an el cheapo lunch cause we couldn't afford anything else.. We'd miraculously have money to buy things for ourselves and we went clubbing on a regular basis on a budget, cause all we really wanted to do was dance all night long.

One of my amazing friends has such a beautiful family happening in her life and I'm so happy to see her so happy too! She's almost always replying back to my messages on Facebook and in txt that we end up txting for hours! And about random stuff half the time too!!! I'm missing you so much Hun, you don't know how much I'd kill just to go out fake wedding dress hunting with you again lmao!!! Back when we were looking forward to getting an engagement ring on our fingers and hadn't yet gotten it! We so totally knew it was going to happen with the boys we were with! It was so much fun getting up to mischief with you and I hope next year that, that is something we can wok toward!!! I'm missing you so much! Mwa!! Xox (or should I say cox) lmao!

Another of my friends I'm missing is one that I am so close to. One who knows so much about me and me about him. Some things I think would have been better to be left 'in the closet' than said out loud to me... *ahem* yes there is such thing as WAYYYYYYY too much information!! We used to see each other every single day! Without fail!! And I'd annoy the crap out of you waking you up before your alarm is anywhere near the time you set it to! We'd go shopping with whatever little money we had and we'd and we'd miraculously come up with more money in some way! We went shopping so often and clubbing every second weekend without fail! Even when we missed the train we'd find another way! Just so we could go and dance at our fave club!! I don't know how but you forced me to grow up and become so much more mature about things and I don't remember that happening at all!! I'm missing you so much babe that you don't understand. I want you back on Facebook so I can at least have an alternate way of contacting you, and it'd be nice if you replied to messages as often as you used to. Miss you Hun! Xox <3

My other amazing friends are my sisters... My real blood sister and the one friend I've known for so very long that we deemed to be our sister! Plus she looks like us! Lol! I love you both so much!!! And I really wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't have you both!

On that note I really don't know what I'd do without anyone I've mentioned in this blog! I mean honestly I'd be in hell if I had never met you lot!

I'm missing you all so very much. My sisters not so much lol! Since I see you guys fairly often! I'm beside myself not knowing how to get us to go out more often!! I'm dying to have a drunken night out even if its just at mounties?! Here's hoping that I see you soon.

Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense... It's late, I'm starting to feel sleepy, and I'm just wishing to see my friends more often!

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