Thursday 21 February 2013

Life's greatest pleasures... Not.

Life's greatest pleasures... Not.

So toilet training has been killing me lately! My daughter is doing so well and then she goes backwards! But they say that is the process with toilet training it's one step forward two steps back...

May contain gruesome content...

So tonight I thought oh great she's doing so well! She understands this potty/toilet thing well! Until only a few minutes ago...

So I went to the bathroom and told her as much she came with me (as always.. Never alone to do your business) she turns around to me and says oh no mummy I need to do wees too! So I call out to my fiancé and he brings up her potty so she doesn't have an accident on the bathroom floor! She does her wee and all of a sudden decides to do a poo too! I am so proud of her at this stage, and who knew you'd ever be so proud of a number two in a potty in your life right?!

So I tell her well done good job you did poos! And she looks pleased I turn around to grab the paper to wipe her when she says look mummy! I turn to see her touching her poo! Omg! I couldn't believe my eyes! Calling out to my fiancé we finally wash her hands vigorously with tonnes of soap and I am at a loss with how to explain that poos aren't good to touch... Since you have to praise the poo how do you then tell her in an authoritative tone that touching poos is just not on!

ARGH!! Again as I said one step forward two steps back!

Anyway until the next gruesome moment I'm out!

Night all!

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