So, I haven't written on here in a little while and though maybe I should, So just thinking of everything that's happened since.

So to begin with Christmas, was CRAZY! This year was the first year that I actually realised how crazy it is since it's the first year that Caliah is old enough to somewhat understand that something exciting is happening. It was so amazing seeing her actually running around wanting to open every present she had! The thing is though that even though it was all pretty much done for Caliah it was crazy for family members and friends that I had intended on giving a gift to. And it was crazy since I had for the first time forgotten to get those presents early too! I liased with Santa with Caliah's presents but when it came to friends and family I was buying for I completely forgot! Since those presents don't come from Santa, and are from our little family. So Christmas before it had arrived was already driving me insane! When Christmas Eve arrived I had cooked a roast dinner for us and my father-in-law since the mother-in-law was overseas I thought it would be good to invite him for dinner which was wonderfully simple. That night Caliah and I left Oreo's and Milk for Santa out and a carrot for good measure for the reindeer, although she wanted to eat and drink everything on that plate instead! I thought we should get that tradition started while she was young even though she doesn't completely understand! Christmas day was another thing it was great watching our little girl trying to open everything it was absolutely adorable! Christmas Lunch was with my Family and she fell asleep while she was eating her lunch! It was adorable! Then Boxing day was filled with adventure as one of our friend's had her birthday. So as you can see my Christmas was quite crazy afterall and I felt like we were extremely busy especially since the only day left was the Tuesday public Holiday and I had to work from 8am-6pm! I really would have liked that day to have a relaxing beach filled day with my little family instead of working =( which brings me to another point...

I really need to get out of retail work I am craving a chance to work in events again I would do anything to get into an event job at the moment I really miss it I miss the organising and the WBS and the Strategic Plans and the Event Orders and Site maps and floor plans and well I could go on forever! Sure I'm doing the event thing with LOUD Tribe but it would be absolutely AMAZING if I could just get back into the event industry and get paid for it! Anyone know of any jobs that don't require at least 2 years experience in the industry??? I have almost one year experience and a diploma with a Distinction Average I would do absolutely anything for an event job I'd prefer weddings and such but will go for almost anything! My work needs an event manager badly but I don't want to work on public holidays when I won't be needed but I don't see that happening they'll roster me on no matter what and I'll be stuck in admin forever...

I've been feeling wonderful besides all of this and have had the chance to go out with friends and new friends I have made over the past few months which is great and I'm hoping that some of my really close friends become somewhat free after the craziness of the Holidays! I had such an epic night the other night though! I only spent $30 and was drunk (drinks are $8 each) I kept having drinks shouted for me!!! It was so fun gotta love being a girl and able to work magic on guys LOL!
Well anyways New Years Eve was so funny! We were trying to defrost some meat to cook for lunch when our microwave that we've had for almost 4 years just died on us! I couldn't believe it! And so the hunt began for a new microwave, I called in to work and didn't get approved for GEM interest free finance and since we had a HSBC Interest Free finance card we decided to head over to Bing Lee Yea I know if I work at a retail store that sells this stuff why not go there? Well quite honestly cause we didn't really have enough money to just buy outright hence the interest free card and if we have one why should we go and get another? And since we can't put just $200 on the card we decided to get a new BIGGER washing Machine which I will be selling shortly. So YAY to the New Year starting out with a new microwave and washer!

All that's really left to talk about would be New Years in general, that night we went to a party and well discovered that Caliah absolutely loves fireworks which is strange for a one year old! Then we celebrated our 6 year anniversary and one year of being engaged by sitting at home just being a family which for once was refreshing! I've had quite an eventful month in December and I hope the New Year brings on many more happy memories! AND craziness since I'll be finally getting things sorted for our wedding!!!
Well so long for now!
Lor ♥♥♥♥
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