Saturday, 31 August 2013

A little rant...

I'm over it. It's been driving me mad and now this, this is the last straw. Every time I have my m.i.l over without me home she cleans my entire house even if it was already tidy! Sounds great doesn't it? Well no. You know those old bottles of water you save so you can refill them freeze them or fill them to take out with you? You know the ones that you have out aside to refill when you have a chance and they're not in the way at all... Yea those... She threw every single one in the bin and took it out TO the bin!

Not only that but I couldn't find where she decided to move my shoes! Please it's my house I have the shoes away hidden away from anyone visiting but she had to move them nonetheless...

Argh!! To top it off I have no clue where my daughters shoes are either... Nor do I know where she moved everything in the kitchen... For all I know she's swapped the cupboards around...

Why guys, why do m.i.l's do this she knows its my house she knows I have everything placed specifically she knows that I've asked her not to clean my house when I'm not home and move things to where she thinks they're better to go to...

I'm just so over it... Everything seems to have gotten me down at the moment and I don't know how to get out of it.. I just wanna scream my lungs out at anyone and everyone but what will that achieve..

Wishing I could be more positive right now but it's feeling impossible... =(

1 comment:

  1. Frozen jumping castle
