Tuesday 22 November 2011

Of Hot Glue Guns and Clips

So yesterday I received the little slip that AUSTPOST leave at your door should you not be home... (I really need to start writing on all of my package deliveries to leave at door if house is unattended or in letterbox LOL) I went today to pick it up after training... Got home and lo and behold it's my clip making kit from Millamaloo they're on facebook and I love all these cute clips that everyone is making and thought I want in on the fun! Not only that but I am now thinking about selling my creations should I be half decent at it!!! I might even get some of the girls from training in on it! I shall have to speak to them soon...

Anyways I get home and Caliah has woken up from her sleep and won't go back to sleep so I had to entertain her while I looked at my supplies that I received... Noticing that the first lot of clips are REALLY easy I thought I'd grab my glue gun and get onto trying to do one for Caliah before her daddy got home!

This was when all hell broke loose... Not only could I not find my hot glue gun but the one who had it last couldn't remember where they put it!!!! GAH!!!! So no clips just yet.... Caliah and I ate our lunch and just as I'm about to get ready to search for the so called hot glue gun Caliah lets me know that she is ready for bed... So she's in bed now giving me at least 30 mins of peace to search for the highly needed hot glue gun!

Anyways I'm off to search for the gun... GLUE GUN PEOPLE not gun; gun LOL! I don't own one of those!!!

Ciao for now!


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