Wednesday 30 November 2011

On the First day of Christmas

Can't believe Christmas is 25 days away. I remember the days when I used to get excited around this time and well... now??? Not so much LoL I'm looking forward to My princess opening her presents but even so not so keen on it for myself... Might be that the tree isn't up yet... That and I have no clue what I want for christmas...

My fiance let me buy a cake mixer today and well it seems that, that may have been my Christmas present... Made brownies with it tonight they look and smell delicious those who will be eating them tomorrow better appreciate them! LOL Especially after the craziness to get them cooked!!!

Anyways might take my little girl to the QVB building in Sydney tomorrow... get her Santa photo in the Crystal Garden!
It looks absolutely gorgeous!!! doesn't it?

Anyways I should get to sleep LoL

Night!! <3


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