Thursday 23 February 2012

Tormented by the man flu!

So my fiancee is sick has been since last Friday. And as many women understand the man flu (which is a male that happens to be sick) is the end of the world as we know it. They become sooky, whiney, bitchy, and absolutely impossible to deal with and really there's only so much I can take, especially when I have our 17 month old Princess running around too.

I LOVE my fiancee SO SO SO SO SO Much don't get me wrong it's just when he's sick I don't wanna know anymore I can take a few days but a week?! Come on Doc where are the miracle meds that will unburden me from this pain! Last week I could handle it, then Sunday came and he was at home when I asked him to look after her while I went to an expo for our wedding. Do I have to hunnie? I'd really like to just try and sleep this sickness off just leave her with my mum.

So last minute call to his mum and it's all sorted.

Then comes Tuesday, sick as a dog even I have the ability to look after the little one and run after her and watch sesame street with her etc... What do I get instead I'm doing some things for an event I'm running in May and organising things for our wedding ie finding video's I like so I could show them to the videographer we have a meeting with later that night, So I ask can you change her, get breakfast etc and nope, sleeping he's instead sure that's great since it's quiet with the exception of the screaming child next to me and that he didn't get to sleep through the entire night, but hey nappy at least? =(

So anyways I finally get princess ready for swimming lessons and we're rushed out of the door at 9.40am only to get to the pools at 9.45am the class starts at 10.30am... a whole 30 mins to spare... I suppose it was partially our daughter's fault since she was getting her shoes out of the cupboard and walking round the house saying shoes shoes shoes shoes but hey didn't I mention that it starts at 10.30 and needa leave at 10?

I love my man so much I would prefer to have him than a million dollars! Money can't buy me happiness, but today was the last straw... I've been burdened with the pain where Aunt Flo arrives to visit for the week needing to do a number two I go up and start my business only to be sent a text message (yes I take my phone in there... Who doesn't? and why? So the ringing doesn't wake my princess, so I know to shut it off should it ring same goes for the home phone most days) who is the doc we visited on Sunday afternoon? I DUNNO.... It's on the card... Yea I don't have that with me... I left it there... Yea I'm in the bathroom it will take me a few moments, he was the only doc there on Sunday afternoon surely they'd know who that is! He doesn't get in til 4.... Ok so make the appointment for then instead... Ok...

It goes on but I will leave it to imagination when I say I get a second txt saying this is the third time I've gotten up...

AGAIN I LOVE YOU HUNNIE! But it's just the flu! At least you're not in labor for 12 hours! And I say this sincerely I love you please just  live with it

♥ Lor ♪♫♪

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