Wednesday 25 January 2012

Brides in Frustration & Anger

As the title states Frustration and Anger not Love... I've just got a little bit of a rant for the BRIDES IN LOVE store at Wetherill Park NSW!

Not Happy should be the term... I'm not sure if I've blogged anything about my wedding or not but I'm getting Married May 2013... Engaged on 1/1/11 we went bridal dress shopping a friend of mine and myself and then with my mum and sister... We found a gorgeous dress and I fell in love with it so what did I do??? Yeap you guessed it I put a VERY small deposit on it cause I absolutely loved it!!! And the salesperson in the store was absolutely lovely...

Now I've gone back into this store Brides in Love Wetherill Park with my sister the past Friday to look at the Bridesmaid dresses they had there and to let her try it on next to my dress... Now as per the statement next to my dress doesn't mean the dress on me per se I would be happy with a mannequin anything!

Anyways walking into the store which is completely empty, we found ourselves looking at an empty shop literally until we heard someone shout out we'll be with you shortly.. Clearly they were eating their lunch... So my sister and I browsed the various bridesmaid gowns they had, I think we went through them all maybe twice! So they had to eat their lunch before they served us! Finally when someone did come over we were confronted with a girl who seemed like she really didn't want to be there... So we say "Hi" Cheerily and continue with "we were just hoping to look at a few bridesmaid dresses and hopefully allow my sister to try a few on next to the dress I have on order." -- her reply was "Oh, how many times have you tried your dress?" About three being my answer when she then says "Oh well you can't try your dress on again because you can only try it on twice as per our policy." I was appalled! Not only did they finish their lunch before serving us but apparently I couldn't try let alone see my dress! This was when the girl suggested she'll speak to her manager Angela. We ended up looking at the same dresses another two times and then at the flower girl dresses and a few of the tuxedo's they had on show and then at wedding gowns when I turned to my sister and said lets just go to the other place, Classic's Formalwear.

We made our way back to the front of the store to leave when we were stopped by the manager Angela. She interrupted mine and my sister's conversation and has said that I can only try my dress on three times so they can't let me try it on again since I've already tried the dress on three times and have used up my allowance to try it on! I went to speak as I pulled my receipt out and instead she snatches my receipt off me I said to her I was told that I could try the dress on whenever I'd like during the week and she interrupts me AGAIN! And states "Well not without an appointment I don't know who told you otherwise!" So I've gone to say don't worry that's fine we'll just look at bridesmaid dresses elsewhere when she turns to me and says January is our busiest month and we can't go putting dresses on everyone that walks into the store! THERE WAS NO ONE IN THE STORE! The whole time this was happening she was ordering her employee to bring up my customer details she'd constantly say to the poor girl just bring the customer details up already!

So anyway they're doing something on the computer and she says to me you still need an appointment and she constantly interrupted me again and again! I've stopped taken a deep breath and said can you please stop interrupting me? I work in retail and I get interrupted when I'm trying to explain things all the time. So what does she do? "I've worked in retail for 20 years." What the hell? I don't need to know how long you've worked in retail I'm just making a statement about my work AND who's to say the only retail store she's worked in is that bridal store?!

So I end up saying look forget it and she interrupts me again so I say Can you let me finish! (Angry now lol) So she finally lets me speak, and I say again forget it we'll look elsewhere, taking my receipt back and saying to my sister lets leave.

As we turn to leave she says "fine we'll do it for you this time but never again." So my response No forget it as we walked out of that store! Good Riddance!

Good for everyone to know that I am cancelling my dress with the so called "Brides In Love" And have a deposit on another much more gorgeous dress elsewhere! Would LOVE to put pics of my dress up but can't since I don't want my fiance to see them! LOL Which brings me to another point after putting a deposit on my dress do you think they let me photograph it?! Not only that but I have spoken to their head office which is the place we were going to Classics Formal Wear and hopefully I can get a store credit for the amount or something =)

Lesson learned.... DO NOT go back into the store that was rude to you years ago hoping they have changed, find that ONE of the salespeople are nice and the rest rude because it'll only come back to bite you! Horrible people!

♥ Lor ♪♫♪

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