Tuesday 27 August 2013

A little stuck with something...

So my daughter has been going to a dance school for the entire year now and she is loving it more than I thought she would! It seems to be her thing and she just doesn't stop! Have you ever seen an almost 3 year old try to do contemporary dance routines?? Neither had I until I had to bring her to my dance school as I had no one to look after her while I had a class!

As she watched me in my contemporary class she was over on the side lines with one of the girls that do not do the contemporary class. When I looked over while watching my teacher show us the routine I noticed she was copying him too! The principal of the dance school noticed this also and offered her a place in her tiny tots class next year! Which would be perfect as I then will only need to pay for one dancing DVD and only attend one concert at the end of the year.

But here is my predicament. She's currently dancing with her friend from preschool on a Saturday this year and the new class at my dance school will be on a Monday and not with her closest friend from school. I'd much rather only go to one concert each year but should I take her away from her current dance school and from her friend so that we can dance together at the same school?

It's such a hard decision and at least I have some time to think about it as classes won't start for next year until the 2014 school year starts!

Argh! Sigh.. Well I better get going and get ready for my dance class which starts soon!

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