Wednesday 11 January 2012

Nerves of steel or maybe not...

So I've been driven insane the last few days. Who would have thought FaceBook Friends could be so horrible and assume things before they know the entire story?! Just because I've written something as my status does not mean that you should go and assume what I'm on about without asking me first OR that you should go and judge people! I think it's absolutely ridiculous! And then when you let people know that they've upset you because they've assumed and judged you they feel that it's a need to attack you AGAIN! So then you think you know what? I'll just put you on my restricted list so that you can't bug me anymore because you have the nerve to write things on my statuses so everyone can see it instead of private messaging me to find out why it is that I feel a certain way about a certain topic. So what do they do instead blow up on my WALL! LIKE WHAT THE F**K! How hard is it to press the button next to the post to wall one that says message? In the end I deleted the person it was getting too much for me to handle especially when they seem to constantly feel that they have the need to comment on everything I post! From Pictures to check in's to statuses GAH I was fed up of ignoring and deleting posts! Anyways those who really care about me and are true friends were the ones questioning me instead of blowing up or were the ones who went and consoled me. How hard is it to just let me write what I want? I might just have to create a separate account just so I can write how I feel without comments!? It doesn't matter anymore but I had to get this out of my system and write it down somewhere I have my diary but I don't want to sit down somewhere where I can't see the time and be late for work!

Anyways in regards to the main reason why I decided to sit down here.... Wedding Photographers... I think I may have messaged 20 or so of them just to get prices for an all day wedding shoot... I hate it when people don't advertise their prices online and have it easily accessible If I had known you are going to charge $4000 for photography for 4 hours I would not have emailed you.
In retrospect there are a few who are so wonderful and are willing to try and get the amount of time you need for a lower price closer to my budget.. I found one Phatography (look him up) My sister the pro photographer approves and so I have emailed him since he actually has his price for full day coverage on his web page! $1400 for all day unlimited images, all colour corrected or retouched on a disc delivered 2 weeks after the wedding well I think he's wonderful! He doesn't even insist on having an album included! (that's where they up the price) Well anyway from the 20 so far I've narrowed it down to three unless someone else comes along with a half decent price for all day and no albums! Wish me luck!

Anyway the other reason as to why I've decided to post is because I took my daughter to preschool today! I know she's going to love it but the heartache as she cries and doesn't want to leave my side is well heart breaking! I think she settled down eventually she really didn't like the Karen lady LOL and she didn't like the sand once the wind picked up.. I'm sure she'll be fine but still I worry... She's going to have the time of her life and not want to leave when I go to pick her up well that's what I keep saying to myself hoping it's true... I love her so much and I think I'm a tad overprotective actually scratch that COMPLETELY overprotective of her! Her daddy came with us for her first day and then she goes again on Friday I hope she's ok I really really do.... Which reminds me I'll probably call them once I get into work and check up on her...

So it's ten past ten and I start work at eleven so I think I should head off and get to work a little earlier and play games on my phone to pass the time and to make me think of anything but worrying about my little girl... OH MY GOODNESS I've just realised... What am I going to do when I go on my honeymoon?! Ohhh great wish me luck!

♥ Lor ♪♫♪

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